By Hannah Botha, MSc Equine Science, Epol Nutrition Advisor Aloe vera is certainly not a new addition to the management […]
By Hannah Botha, MSc Equine Science, Epol Nutrition Advisor Aloe vera is certainly not a new addition to the management […]
Q: How can I make box rest easier for my horse? He is so stressed when the other horses go
Q: When you import a horse, what is the flight like? Do horses find it very stressful? A: There is
Q: Why do people feed their horses rooibos? A: Rooibos is unique to South Africa and has always been known
Horses are trickle feeders, designed to eat fibre all day long, rather than consuming large meals less frequently. Fibre digestion
Q: My mare is relatively calm most of the time, but when she comes into season she becomes horribly stressy.
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e all experience stress to some degree, and our horses are no different. A little stress can be a good
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ost horse owners are aware that horses develop aches and pains over time, particularly if they lead active competitive careers.