Haunches in, or, more formally, travers, is when the horse is asked to move his hindquarters to the inside line […]
Haunches in, or, more formally, travers, is when the horse is asked to move his hindquarters to the inside line […]
‘The Stairs’ is an excellent exercise to help improve your horse’s suppleness by using a leg yield. You can do
Yesterday, we looked at the walk-to-canter transition, and today, we add to that by combining it into a simple change.
The walk to canter is more challenging to teach your horse than the trot to canter, but once learnt, it
You can complete this exercise in either walk, trot, or canter. But like with most of these exercises, starting at
Dressage is all about suppleness. Without consistent bend throughout your horse’s body lots of exercises become difficult and you’ll struggle
Text: Shari Michaelis While showjumping might seem like a ‘point and shoot’ discipline to some spectators, a good showjumping round
Shoulder-in is the mother of all lateral movements. It was described in detail by the Grand Master François Robichon de
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hile we tirelessly put hours into training and maintaining our horses, we seldom remember to look after ourselves. Our horses