Q&A: Wood chewing

Q: My pony chews wood in the paddock. What can I do?

A: Ponies chew wood because they are bored, stressed, lack enough forage in their diet, are unwell or have developed a habit that is difficult for them to break. 

Not only does chewing damage the wood, but your pony risks getting splinters in his mouth, too. Plus, chewing wood like this can result in dental problems, so it really is important to get to the bottom of it and try to address the cause so that your pony stops doing it.  

Firstly, you must ensure you’re feeding your pony a balanced diet. This may require chatting with an equine nutritionist. If your pony lacks certain nutrients, he may be chewing wood to try and get the nutrition he is missing. 

Secondly, you need to ensure that your pony has access to hay during his time in the field, as he may be chewing wood because the grazing is low. If the grazing is sufficient, but boredom is more likely an issue, you could even try to provide toys or licks in his paddock to keep him entertained.

Another key aspect in stopping this behaviour is making sure that your pony has company in the paddock. He needs to be out with other horses or ponies to avoid becoming stressed. Stress can trigger behaviours like wood chewing, so it really is important to ensure he has company that he is happy with.

If none of the above work, you should chat with your vet, as some health issues, like ulcers, can lead to horses electing to chew wood.

Finally, if your vet is satisfied that nothing is wrong, a practical solution would be to install some electric fencing inside the wooden fence. This would prevent him from reaching the fence to chew on it. 

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