Dear readers,
I hope you are all well at this time. I have often worried about humans, but predominantly their lack of intellectual prowess, and currently my concerns are much more for your physical welfare. I really hope that you are all taking sensible precautions, and staying firmly at home.
My mother informs me that we are ‘lucky’, as she lives at home with me and can see me multiple times a day. I would like to reassure any of you that are worried that you won’t be seeing your horses for a few weeks, that you really have nothing to be concerned about. There is NOTHING positive about having to deal with my mother intensively for the next 21 days. Your horses are going to do just fine, kicking back and relaxing and relishing some good paddock time.
I, on the other hand, am to be tortured by the ever present mother-ship as she navigates her isolation period WITH ME. I could really do with a paper coming out saying that horses of superior intelligence (aka moi) could be at risk from COVID-19 and therefore must be left WELL alone…I may have to draft one. The ONLY reassuring fact I can find in this mess is that apparently she won’t be riding me to avoid burdening the health system further when she inevitably takes a flying lesson. I tried to hint to her today that being on the ground with me can also be pretty hazardous, but she was far too distracted trying to distinguish between the hand sanitiser and the fly spray to notice…
Anyway, it appears I will be enduring this 21 days of lockdown with my mother, so I thought I’d bring you along for the metaphorical ‘ride’. I hope you are all considerably perked up by this news – I shall consider it my community service.
Until tomorrow, adieu!
Pridey xxx