Q: How do I work out the size and shape of the saddlepad I need for my new saddle?
A: The most crucial factor when selecting your saddlepad is matching the cut to the shape of your saddle. Dressage saddles are cut with a straight seam at the front to follow the elongated line of the knee roll and panel. These saddlepads are often a little deeper to compensate for the additional length in saddle flap. For more general purpose (GP) and jumping saddles, you can look at discipline-specific saddlepads.
There are many saddlepad options available in a hybrid GP/jump cut. These are designed with a forward-cut seam that follows the curvature of a typical knee roll on a jumping saddle but has enough depth to allow for the slightly longer flap of GP.
Most half pads are suitable for general purpose, jumping and dressage saddles.
Manufacturers tend to make saddlepads available in two or more sizes – small and large. Saddles with a 16-inch seat or smaller would usually require a pony-sized small pad, while those larger than 16 inches would be considered for a cob- or full-sized saddle pad.