Q: How should I store my new riding hat?

A: Caring for your riding hat is important not only for appearance but, more crucially, to allow it to continue providing the same high level of protection and standards.

After riding, you want to store your hat away from direct heat and in a place where it is not likely to be dropped or knocked off onto the floor. It is a good idea to keep it in a hat bag for added protection.

If your hat gets wet, dab it with a clean towel and leave it to dry. Never put it on a direct heat source like a radiator or in the sun to dry. Similarly, you must always store your hat at room temperature, as extremes of cold and especially heat can cause catastrophic damage to the essential safety features. This is because the inner shock absorbent section of the helmet is commonly made from expanded polystyrene, which is damaged not only by impact but also by exposure to heat. This damage inevitably reduces the shock-absorbing ability of the material and, thus, the helmet.

The inside of the hat can usually be refreshed with the manufacturer’s specified products, and removable liners can often be washed in a non-biological detergent and replaced when dry.

The best advice, however, is to keep the manufacturer’s care instructions and be sure to follow them.

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