Check out this video about applying Ice Man safely and effectively to the legs of the horse. Huge thanks go […]
Check out this video about applying Ice Man safely and effectively to the legs of the horse. Huge thanks go […]
Q: What are the weight aids? My instructor often asks me to use my weight as an aid, and I
Tendon boots are front boots that are fitted around the cannon bone. The protective layer runs all the way around
Check ligament injuries are characterised by sudden onset swelling on the inside and outside of the forelimb behind the cannon
Suspensory ligament injuries may also cause the tendon sheath to swell and the joint capsule to distend, similar to the
A bowed tendon is strictly speaking in fact a strain of the tendon. Bowed tendons commonly occur in racehorses, but
Cellulitis is a serious condition that is caused by infection of the limb by bacteria. Often the cause of the
Windgalls occur when the tendon sheath (non-articular windgall) or joint capsule (articular windgall) fills with fluid in the fetlock region.
Splints are bony lumps usually seen on the inside of the upper half of the cannon and splint bone in
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he principle of action is reaction. Horses naturally yield away from pressure. It is very helpful to teach the horse