Tell us about your yard. Our yard is quite small, with 12 horses currently standing with us. We have the […]
Tell us about your yard. Our yard is quite small, with 12 horses currently standing with us. We have the […]
Q: I have a question regarding insulin-resistant horses. I know about the condition, but would like further input about management?
Horses are trickle feeders, designed to eat fibre all day long, rather than consuming large meals less frequently. Fibre digestion
Field rotation. This is one of the simplest options if you are able to divide your field into smaller paddocks.
Just as in humans your horse’s sense of taste is closely associated with his sense of smell. A horse’s tongue
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]orses are trickle feeders and non-ruminant herbivores, meaning that they are designed to graze for most of the day on
There are various roughage options available for the South African horse. The main options include lucerne hay, teff, Eragrostis curvula,
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]orage should always make up the majority of your horse’s diet, and winter is no exception. Understandably, grass takes a
[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s we come out of the chilly winter season, it’s time to start looking forward to the warmer summer season.
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]any of us are not able to keep our horses on our own property, which ultimately means that we opt