Dear readers,

It is with great relief that I can inform you that it’s been a much more pleasant two days chez moi. Turns out (conveniently) that my (very absent) father had his birthday today and my (sadly) ever present mother had to attend to creating a birthday under lockdown… It appears that this was stressful and time-consuming, leaving her unable to harass me. She seemed disappointed. I can assure you I was not.

I have really enjoyed catching up with the paddock crew. Usually we find ourselves being called upon by our humans at the most inconvenient times, totally disrupting the flow of conversation. It has therefore been quite splendid to actually have a good chat – we finally got into the details of the feed-room politics, the philosophies behind preferred grooming techniques and our tried and tested, peer-reviewed rider dispatch methodologies. Quite fascinating – I can assure you!

My only sadness is that my mother announced that “I mustn’t worry. She will ‘get to me’ tomorrow.” Of this, alas, I have no doubt. She is very good at ‘getting to me’… Anyway, I will be back tomorrow to tell you what hellishly dull activity she lined up for me. Wish me luck.

Ciao for now,

Pridey xxx

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