
How are we all?! Felt I’d best check in, and make sure you’re all keeping your spirits up!?

It’s been fairly quiet here. My mother appears to have lost some of her manic momentum of the early days of the ordeal, and is finally settling into a more casual/sensible approach. She still visits me at least three times a day, but two of those visits are guaranteed carrot sessions. The one in the middle is more variable, but she hasn’t sat on me (a relief to me, as lockdown is not being kind to her figure) and instead has opted for ‘groundwork’ sessions. These generally involve her ‘schooling me’ on things I already know, while I try and grab a mouthful of grass from the nearest appetising patch. In essence, folks, it’s not so bad.

I hope you are all keeping well, and looking forwards to a long Easter weekend. I know I am.

Much love,

Pridey xxx


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