Q&A: Pinky finger

Q: Why do we hold our little fingers (pinkies) underneath the reins? Wouldn’t it be easier if we didn’t? A: Our little finger goes between the two reins on a double bridle – which is what everyone used to ride in in days gone by. Also, it’s like having something in reserve brake-wise. You can

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Q&A: Markings

Q: What’s the difference between a star and a snip? Aren’t they both white markings on a pony’s face? A: They are both white markings but a star is a small white marking between a pony’s eyes and a snip is an even smaller marking between a pony’s nostrils. Some ponies have both a star

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Q&A: Tall tail

Q: What’s the best way to brush my pony’s tail? It’s thick and difficult to get a brush through. A: Tails need some care to get them into shape. Start by standing at the side of your pony and taking his tail in one hand. Shake a few hairs free and brush through these with

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Q&A: Leg it!

Q: My instructor sometimes tells me my pony is on the wrong leg in canter. What does this mean and how can I notice it myself? A: When a pony canters, if he is on the left leg (or lead), then his two left legs, front and back, will take a longer stride than his

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