Interview by Caroline Malan
An update from Team Nissan rider Lorette Knowles-Taylor as we head towards The SA DERBY.
Tell us your thoughts about your show in Polokwane at Revil Stables and the performance of your horses?
I was very happy with my show overall. My health hasn’t been what it should be so I wasn’t expecting to set the world alight at Revil. My 1.20m mare, Callaho Coneisha jumped amazingly in the three classes I rode her in – she is still in the training phase so I wasn’t there to be competitive, just to get good experience under her belt. She will be jumping at Derby in the Young Horse Performance Series final. The Jansen’s Callaho Centos Boy was coming back from a strain, so I just jumped him in the 1.30m classes (a division lower than usual) and he had a nice place. He will be jumping at Derby in the Micro-Derby classes. Nissan Farnham Elite Rhythm jumped up a division in the 1.35m and just missed out in the Diamond Class to come 2nd. I was super chuffed with her. She will also jump at the Derby in the Micro-Derby classes. Callaho’s Sampras jumped his 1st ever 1.40m championship for a clear and one down due to rider error for a 7th place – I nursed him in two previous 1.35m classes to prepare for the Saturday class and was really happy with him. He will not go to Derby – he is super careful and I have never done any Derby type training. We are just getting things right together after our lay off and Derby is a unique show that only happens once a year so I would prefer to keep him sweet and happy for the rest of the 2018 season.
Which horse impressed you the most / grew the most from the show & why?
My young mare, Callaho Coneisha – it was her third 1.20m show and only her second away-show ever. Revil’s arena is known to be spooky and has incredible looking jumps that she didn’t even bat an eyelid at …
Tell us about Callaho Sampras?
Sampras is a Hanoverian breeding and competition stallion owned by Callaho Warmblood stud in Christiana. He is by Stakato out of an Achill Libero H mare. He is now 10, but really is a 7 year old in experience, as he had time off on his trip out to SA and he has been on rest while I was on medical rest for the better part of the 2016/’17 jumping seasons, only really starting again with me in January of this year. He is probably only 16 hands, but when he enters the competition arena he grows to about 18 hands! He has two sides to his personality: one super soft and loving one where butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth and the other side is super spunky and very cheeky, and he can buck like a 2-stroke! He loves girls; loves kisses on his muzzle; cuddles and rubs; smelling you before you get on; loves his physio, Chantal; and prefers to be asked to do things rather than told. Make no mistake – he is no push over and often needs a firm hand when he gets above himself especially after a little rest after a show or now in spring when the mares are coming into season. Never ever reprimand him though, if he hasn’t really been naughty, he will eject you!!! … 🙂 🙂
Tell us about your 1.40 classes on him?
I only jumped the 1.40m champs with him at Revil – he is very new to this level. It was a technical track and he handled it really easily and should have had a double clear with a higher place than 7th, if I hadn’t added a stride to the double in the jump off.
Your thoughts on Barry’s show?
Barry also had a nice show – the win on the Jansen’s Cody Island being one of the highlights as he hasn’t been himself for a while and he is definitely coming back to form. Another highlight was how well his new ride on Neriske Prinsloo’s horse, Equistro vd Misbelaere went in the Grand Prix. Sadly he had a foot abscess burst before the World Cup so couldn’t compete in that but he hopefully will be ready for Derby.
How does this show help with your Derby preparations?
Obviously any and all show prep helps with your next show, especially with the shows being so close together, but now at home the practicing of the specialised Derby jumps will start – and final fitness preps as well. Revil of course was technical jumping and now we will have less technicality but bigger and bolder and longer courses in a very open Bob Charter arena at Derby.
Which of these horses are you riding in Derby – and all the same grades?
I will only have two at the Derby: Callaho Cento’s Boy and Nissan Farnham Elite Rhythm – both in the Micro-Derby classes. This will be both of their first Derby’s.
What do you want to work on between now and Derby with your horses?
All the funnies will need to be practiced at home with my baby Derby horses as it’s their first Derby, so you want them confident and happy.