HQ meet Simon Marrier d’Unienville and Horses 4 Hope

Simon Marrier d’Unienville, the founder of Horses 4 Hope, is the first (and only) Monty Roberts Certified Instructor in Africa, and of only 66 worldwide. Simon also recently became the 12th Lead-Up Certified Instructor in the world – a groundbreaking Monty Roberts program that has been scientifically proven to reduce violence in at-risk youth using horses. 

Monty, Simon and friends

Horses 4 Hope’s mission is to reduce endemic violence in South Africa by working with at-risk youth using Monty Roberts’ Lead-Up program. They are also working with a team of international specialists to bring Equ-us – the first equine-assisted drug and alcohol recovery program – to South Africa from January 2019. 

To raise funds for the launch of Lead-Up and Equ-us, Horses 4 Hope are running two “Equine Assisted Introduction to Motivational Interviewing” three-day workshops in January. These will be the first workshops of this kind to be held in Africa. The workshops will be taught by Simon and his special guest from Canada, Kris Robins, a clinical social worker and organisational development trainer and consultant who has worked extensively with Monty Roberts and has her own private practice in Canada. 

Monty and Kris Robins

You can learn more about Horses 4 Hope’s programs and partners, find out how you can help or book for one of their Motivational Interviewing Workshops at You can also follow them on Facebook @Horses4HopeSA, Instagram @Horses4Hope_SA or Twitter @Horses4HopeSA. 

Monty and Simon desensitising a horse

HQ are excited to announce that Simon, Kris Robins and Jerry Sparby will be doing a morning demonstration and workshop session at Eaton Farm in Kyalami on 13 January 2019. This workshop will feature:

Monty, Simon and their families
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