As well as being a required movement in many dressage tests, this exercise is a very good test of your horse’s self-carriage.
In this exercise start by giving your inside rein, then swap to your outside rein and finally give both together. This builds the ask gradually and sets your horse up for success.
Once you are able to give two reins without your horse collapsing onto the forehand, you can do the following exercise, which involves breaking down the giving and retaking reins into three steps, done over a few strides:
  • First, give with the reins so there are clear loops in them. Keep your upper body tall and your core strong – don’t tip forward as this will unbalance your horse onto the forehand.
  • Next, keep holding your hands forward so you can test if your horse remains in self-carriage.
  • Finally, smoothly take back the reins. There should be no change in impulsion or rhythm throughout the whole exercise.
Practice this regularly to encourage your horse to maintain self-carriage rather than relying on you to support him.
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