[dropcap]HQ [/dropcap]is proud to be partnered with the Dutch organisation, Equine Support International (ESI). ESI’s focus is to promote equestrian knowledge all over the world. The team regularly travels to other countries hosting a variety of clinics.
We are proud to announce that ESI is planning on hosting a clinic week in South Africa in mid-September, during which they will offer a three-day horse-and-rider training course, a two-day ‘train the trainer’ course, and a one-day grooms’ course.
Below you will find information on Anne Loosveld and Carlijn Pontenagel, ESI’s two trainers, as well as insights into the clinics. If you are interested in possibly booking a space and for further costs, please contact hq@panorama.co.za or the editor directly at charlotte@panorama.co.za.
Bio Anne Loosveld
Anne is an experienced Dutch dressage rider and trainer. She is graduating her second master degree in Sports Psychology and gives workshops about mental coaching for riders. Her passion for psychology allows her to transfer knowledge in such a way that it fits her students. Whether she educates in the stables for a first aid workshop, in the meeting room for a mental coaching session or in the arena for a dressage lesson; she always keeps the students she works with in mind. She trained for many years with several Grand Prix trainers and now tries to inspire her students just as much as her trainers did to her. www.anneloosveld.com en www.equinesupportinternational.com
Bio Carlijn Pontenagel
As a trainer and instructor I trained individuals as well as group/teams from novice level to advanced level, this has given me a wide range of didactical and pedagogical skills as well as a good eye for the right movement of the horse and rider. As a rider I am specialized in straightening the horse, develop a good rhythm, contact and relaxation of the horse and from there work to a right collection of the horse. My experience as a manager at an equestrian school has given me good organizational skills and leadership abilities. Besides that I have developed and provided programs, curricula, workshop, events and courses for several parties. Triggering education (development) and (lifelong) learning is a goal I keep in mind when carrying out my duties. I want to use my skills to contribute to better education and training in the equestrian field in the Netherlands and abroad. From these thoughts and from my desire to learn more and to develop myself, I followed several studies. I love to pioneer, to formulate, to design, to structure and to develop. I am pleased tot be able to use these qualities fully in my work.
Riding lessons
Both Carlijn and Anne help you to make a step forward in this 3-day clinic. We help you how to teach your horse to respond effectively. Systematically we work towards a perfectly responsive horse that you can ask to go forward and to come back, to bend and to straighten, to stretch down and to collect. Working on the basics first is absolutely our very favorite and then we help you to move to your next level. Important key words in the training are suppleness, flexibility, moving & thinking forward, and fun for both rider and horse.
Before we start the first lesson you fill out a checklist with the goals you have so we can train very specifically to achieve your goals.

Clinic seat and position
This clinic gives you new insights in your seat and position. The rider becomes more aware about his seat and posture and the parts of the posture that need attention. This clinic starts with a theoretical introduction with videos followed by a mounted and an unmounted part. You work in pairs, where one rider analyses the other rider using a checklist and vice versa. This trains the eye of the rider and makes us more aware of how the body works mechanically, how to find the roots of posture problems and how we can create an independent seat.
Mental coaching
This clinic helps you to improve your performance and satisfaction with your sports by using psychological factors. In this clinic we introduce some topics about mental coaching such as goal setting, focus and visualization. You will learn some tools to use in practice, lessons or competitions to help you achieve your goals. You don’t need to have a ‘mental problem’ in order to benefit from this clinic and all levels are welcome. You will learn to think like a champion, feel like a champion, and behave like a champion.

Riding aids chart
As riders we communicate with our horses though our aids. These aids have many shades of meaning. We often use our aids without thinking much about it but if you take a closer look you see how confusing the aids can be for our horses. For example, we use our legs: How does the horse know whether you want to speed up in the walk or whether you want to ride a transition to the trot?
In this clinic we clarify the language we speak with our horses when riding. We use a chart that contains 4 aids (legs, reins, seat, other). By writing down all the possible aids you are invited to think about where to give the aid, how to give the aid, which reaction do you want?
The goal of this clinic is to make our communication with the horse as clear and simple as possible. This clinic is suitable for both Grand Prix and novice riders as well as for jumpers and dressage rider since it focuses on the language that you speak with your horse regardless the level or discipline.

Train the trainer and coaching skills
Do you want to know how to design a training program for your riders and their horses? Are you interested in learning about different training techniques? Do you want to discover the formula for a successful training session? In this train-the-trainer course you find out how to teach your riders great riding techniques and leave your riders praising your training abilities.
We teach you the fundamentals of training design and delivery with topics such as program structure, training techniques, goal setting, pedagogical insights, coaching skills and didactics.
Grooms’ course
ESI organizes unique courses to train grooms about horses and their needs. ESI teaches how professional riders and grooms take care for their horses, so every horse can perform optimally. Grooms take care for horses on a daily basis so they play an essential role in the horses’ performances and wellbeing. In this course, the grooms learn much more about the horses and natural behavior and they will develop more skills to become experienced and knowledgeable grooms. Topics such as:
- Grooming & tack
- Lunging & behavior
- Health issues & diseases
- Tips & tricks in daily work