Carthina Z has produced numerous offspring, sixty-seven in total. Interestingly, Carthina’s daughter, Jenna van’t Meulenhof, has produced almost 100 offspring. Carthina has proven herself time and time again as a producer of stallion sons, competitors and broodmares.
Carthina Z’s pedigree
At his performance test, sire Carthago scored an incredible 10 for jumping talent and 9.5 for free jumping. Like his daughter, Carthago sired Olympic-level competitors. He had also produced stallion sons, including current world number five, Mylord Carthago.
Then, on Carthina’s damline, we see the Selle Francais stallion Lys de Darmen. The chestnut stallion became a Belgian Ambassador for his breeding contribution. He sired multiple approved sons and elite mares. Ninety descendants of his daughters have jumped at the international 1.40m level and higher.
It is more common to see stallions recognised for their breeding contributions due to the sheer number of offspring they produce, but mares like Carthina are just as valuable to breeding operations as top stallions.
Thank you, Carthina, for your contribution to the sport.