Q: Why is rubbered flooring becoming so popular? At my barn, we now have the option of rubberising the floors of our stables and I’m not sure whether or not it is worth it? 

A: The use of rubberised surfaces in equestrian facilities is becoming increasingly common. Rubber stable matting has evolved so that there are now a wide variety of options available on the market to suit a range of needs and budgets.

The benefits of lining the floor of your horse’s stable include protection against knocks and scrapes when he lies down, a reduction in the amount of dust in the stable and a cost saving from using less shavings. Many yards are now opting to also line the walls of the stable with rubber to reduce scrapes and injuries from kicks to the wall.

Foaling boxes and equine hospitals are commonly rubber lined as they are easier to sterilise and ultimately keep clean. And walkways in stables are increasingly being rubber lined to reduce the risk of slipping, and to make cleaning easier. Horse walkers are another area where rubberised surfaces are gaining popularity. The joints of the horse are thought to benefit from the reduced concussive forces resulting from the rubberised surface, and the risk of slipping is much lower. Essentially, rubber surfaces can be of huge benefit to horses in a variety of settings, and use of rubber in the stable is a great place to start!

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