AskHQ: Fly masks

Q: Is there a difference to the horse between seeing through a black mesh fly mask and a white mesh fly mask?

Asked by Adriaan de Vries

A: You can test this by looking through two types of coloured mesh yourself, and you will notice that the black is far easier to see through than the white. While horses can still see through white or beige mesh, black is easier on the horse’s eyes from a visibility point of view, and lighter colours also create a harsh glare. Some brands are manufacturing fly masks with a solid top just above the eyes, which acts as a shaded roof in the sun. This can work well with lighter mesh fly masks, as the shade reduces the glare created by the light-coloured mesh of the mask. However, one of the major issues with fly masks and visibility is the build up of dirt. Fly masks must be cleaned on a daily basis, as dust and dirt can easily get trapped in the mesh holes!

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