[Q] Our horses are turned out in huge paddocks with lots of natural bushes and shrubs. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of burrs and thorns that get stuck in my horse’s tail. I want to wrap her tail while she’s turned out. Is it okay to cover her tail with a tail wrap on a daily basis?
A: It’s not a good idea to wrap a tail all day, as you can risk compromising blood circulation. Your horse also needs her tail to chase away flies. Tail guards are only intended to be worn during short-distance travelling. If a horse is being transported over long distances, he is not allowed to wear a tail guard for the pure reason that it causes circulation problems. Rather plait the top of the tail and leave the bottom loose, so that she can still use her tail when she’s irritated by flies. Alternatively, consider spraying the tail with a detangler product. This will help to get the burrs and thorns out of your mare’s tail easily.