[dropcap]A[/dropcap] dressage Clinic was held on 29-30 April, 1-2 May, 2016, at two venues in Gaborone. It was kindly hosted by Tim and Pearl Naylor-Race at Serenity Equestrian Centre, Ruretse, where Andrea was accommodated and by Sean and Belinda Irish at Penndragon Equestrian Centre, Ruretse. The visiting instructor was Andrea Harrison and the clinic was subsidised by the Horse Society of Botswana. Thank you HSB for the air flights and for subsidising each lesson to meet Andrea’s fee and for the water for the arena at Serenity Equestrian Centre. The cost of a forty minute lesson to the rider was BWP350.00. The riding times were organised entirely by Debra Freeman who scheduled the riders to the times that suited them each day at both the venues. Andrea taught from before sunrise to sunset, four days running in this popular clinic. It was an ideal opportunity for riders to practise their FEI WDC tests that will be ridden at this venue on 21st May. The arenas at Serenity Equestrian Centre were prepared by Tim, Pearl, Cephas Chibaya and Nqobile Ncube. The arena at Penndragon Equestrian Centre was prepared and watered by Theunis Botha and the grooms with their own water.
About Andrea Harrison
Andrea Harrison is the designated HSB Dressage Coach. She has her own yard in Glenferness, Kyalami where she stables twenty-four horses. She is currently riding at Grand Prix level. Andrea is inspired by teaching dressage at all levels and to all ages and she hopes to help her clients reach their fullest potential. Andrea uses an intercom system speaking quietly from her own mouthpiece to a speaker attached to the rider’s ear. This has proved to be a very effective method of communicating between Andrea and the riders. It can be adapted to use in either the left or right ear.
Thank you to those riders who travelled their horses to these venues. The journeys were very hot on Friday and Saturday but luckily Sunday and Monday were marginally cooler. Thank you for the efforts made by Bridget Tippins, Laurie Pieters-James, Bridget O’Neill, Siobhan O’Neill, , Debra Freeman, Belinda Irish and Sarah Ward who travelled their horses within Ruretse.
Text and photography: Sarah Ward